Autobrew Plugins

The goal of this section is to help you utilize an existing class as a Plugin.

It is important to note that Autobrew is only supported by what is loaded on the pythonpath. The folder that contains the beer.conf that utilizes the Autobrew features is loaded onto the pythonpath.

Autobrew will allow Beer Garden to evaluate the class object and automatically generate the Command and Parameter properties based off Type Hinting and Doc Strings.

Pros of using Autobrew

If your client/system class does not require additional configurations when setting up the Plugin object, this feature can streamline your development.

Exisiting Class Implementation

Autobrew allows you to utilize existing class objects as a Plugin with no additional work. All it requires is the beer.conf!

Unique beer.conf fields

Autobrew supports all of the fields standard for beer.conf. The primary difference is that Autobrew has the additional fiels of:





Allowing for the class to be intialized with static ARGS/KWARGS.

Plugin Configuration

The beer.conf file explains how to configure your plugin. Let’s explore the required beer.conf options.

beer.conf (Required fields traditional Plugins)
# Defines the system name of your plugin
NAME = "my-plugin"

# The version of your plugin
VERSION = "0.0.1"

# Defines way to run the plugin
beer.conf (Required fields for Autobrew)
# Autobrew module path

# Autobrew class

In addition to the required fields, you may optionally provide other values to enhance your plugin. Each option is explained in more detail below.

beer.conf (optional fields)
# Description of what your plugin does
DESCRIPTION = "My plugin does cool stuff"

# The name of the system in the GUI
DISPLAY_NAME = "My Plugin"

# Environment variables

# Instances to start. If none are provided, an
# instance named 'default' is started
# In this case, we would create two instances, i1 & i2
INSTANCES = ["i1", "i2"]

# Arguments to pass to the PLUGIN_ENTRY value
PLUGIN_ARGS = ['arg1']

# Defines relationship to 'foo' plugin

# Additional Metadata you would like to add to the system
METADATA = {'foo': 'bar'}

# Autobrew ARG values to pass to AUTO_BREW_CLASS __init__
AUTO_BREW_ARGS = ["foo","bar"]

# Autobrew KWARG values to pass to AUTO_BREW_CLASS __init__
AUTO_BREW_KWARGS = {"key","value"}


The NAME entry is pretty straight-forward. It is the system name that will be used to identify your system.


The VERSION entry is supposed to be a semantic-version. That means something that looks like X.X.X where X can be any number. The version is important to Beer Garden, and it will not let you upload two systems with the same version that has different command/parameters.

If you are in the process of developing a plugin, and want to change commands or parameters, you can name your version X.X.X.dev0 which will allow you to overwrite command and parameters in place.


The PLUGIN_ENTRY entry in the beer.conf file is simply the python script that will execute That’s really all there is to this.


The AUTO_BREW_MODULE entry is module on the pythonpath that the class object will be imported from for Autobrew to process


The AUTO_BREW_CLASS entry is class object within AUTO_BREW_MODULE for Autobrew to process


Again, a pretty straight-forward field. This is the system description that you’ll see in the GUI/ReST API.


The METADATA field allows you to associate METADATA with your system. This can be helpful for service-discovery type information or anything else specific with your system that you would like programmatically discoverable.


This is the name the system will appear under in the GUI.


If there is some reason you cannot or do not want to pass your information in through the command line or through a file of your choosing, you can choose to set variables in your environment using the ENVIRONMENT portion of the beer.conf file. The ENVIRONMENT entry is simply a dictionary that contains all the ENVIRONMENT Variables you want. Please note that all ENVIRONMENT variables will be converted to strings before they are included. You can also utilize other environment variables that you know are set. For example, the BG_PLUGIN_PATH:


Pretty Cool, right?


Whether or not you know it, your plugin will have instances. If you do not provide Beer Garden with the INSTANCES key, then it will assume you only want one instance of the plugin and will create it with a plugin with a single instance named default. Entries in the INSTANCES section will be validated against entries in PLUGIN_ARGS section.


If you want something to be easily changeable, this is something you may be interested in. Often times, this can be used as a way to pass in a configuration file. For Example:


Will cause Beer Garden to run your app via: python /path/to/config.file You can actually utilize some environment variables to your advantage here as well. Namely the $BG_PLUGIN_PATH to get the path of the deployed plugin.

The PLUGIN_ARGS entry plays along with the INSTANCES entry. If there are multiple instances and the PLUGIN_ARGS is a list, Beer Garden assumes that you want to pass the value of PLUGIN_ARGS to each and every instance that is defined in the INSTANCES section. For example:

INSTANCES=['foo', 'bar']
PLUGIN_ARGS=['arg1', 'arg2']

Tells Beer Garden to start two instances of your plugin via:

python arg1 arg2
python arg1 arg2

If you want to give different instances different arguments, you could do the following:

INSTANCES = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    'foo': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
    'bar': ['arg3'],
    'baz': []

This will instruct Beer Garden to start 3 instances of your plugins via:

python arg1 arg2
python arg3

If you define your PLUGIN_ARGS as a dictionary, then there really is no need to define the INSTANCES. So the previous example and this example are functionally equivalent:

    'foo': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
    'bar': ['arg3'],
    'baz': []


If you are writing a plugin that interacts with other plugins, then you should note this dependency in the REQUIRES field. Simply, if you are writing a plugin 'bar' that relies on foo add:



The AUTO_BREW_ARGS field allows ARG values to be passed into the class initialization function

The AUTO_BREW_ARGS entry plays along with the INSTANCES entry. If there are multiple instances and the AUTO_BREW_ARGS is a list, Beer Garden assumes that you want to pass the value of AUTO_BREW_ARGS to each and every instance that is defined in the INSTANCES section. For example:

INSTANCES=['foo', 'bar']
AUTO_BREW_ARGS=['arg1', 'arg2']

Tells Beer Garden to start two instances of your plugin via:


If you want to give different instances different arguments, you could do the following:

INSTANCES = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    'foo': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
    'bar': ['arg3'],
    'baz': []

This will instruct Beer Garden to start 3 instances of your plugins via:


If you define your AUTO_BREW_ARGS as a dictionary, then there really is no need to define the INSTANCES. So the previous example and this example are functionally equivalent:

    'foo': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
    'bar': ['arg3'],
    'baz': []


The AUTO_BREW_KWARGS field allows KARG values to be passed into the class initialization function.

The AUTO_BREW_KWARGS entry plays along with the INSTANCES entry. If there are multiple instances and the AUTO_BREW_KWARGS is a list, Beer Garden assumes that you want to pass the value of AUTO_BREW_KWARGS to each and every instance that is defined in the INSTANCES section. For example:

INSTANCES=['foo', 'bar']
AUTO_BREW_KWARGS={"key_1","value_1", "key_2","value_2"}

Tells Beer Garden to start two instances of your plugin via:

my.module.my_class(key_1='value_1', key_2='value_2')
my.module.my_class(key_1='value_1', key_2='value_2')

If you want to give different instances different arguments, you could do the following:

INSTANCES = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
    'foo': {"key_1","value_1", "key_2","value_2"},
    'bar': {"key_3","value_3"},
    'baz': []

This will instruct Beer Garden to start 3 instances of your plugins via:

my.module.my_class(key_1='value_1', key_2='value_2')

If you define your AUTO_BREW_KWARGS as a dictionary, then there really is no need to define the INSTANCES. So the previous example and this example are functionally equivalent:

    'foo': {"key_1","value_1", "key_2","value_2"},
    'bar': {"key_3","value_3"},
    'baz': []

And that’s it!